VUC Naestved, Denmark
In total 640m2 of KTL FlexiPRO 21 was installed as base floor for a 2mm PU top coating at this College south of Copenhagen, Denmark.
With the heavy loading from the telescopic bleacher system and a requirement for a PU floor, the FlexiPRO 21 with build-in deformation control was the obvious solution for the owner of the place.
When parked up agains the back wall, the playing ground is performing as an area elastic sportsfloor at the highest level, meeting EN 14904, Class A4, featuring a shock absorption of 59% and a ball bounce of 97%. Once the bleacher system is rolled out, the floor will be compressed only 5mm before being fully supported by the concrete slap below, with build-in water-based underfloor heating.
The PU system, supplied by EPI, Holland, features a transparent top coat for maximum wear resistance.